
We don’t have all the answers, but we love to ask the hard questions. Some of us are firm believers, some doubters, and some come for the good food and company. We talk about what’s important in life and what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
We make a point to serve others and to give space for soul-tending and personal growth within the rhythms of school, work, and everything else. We support each other, become friends, and have fun. Mostly we are a community that eats well, laughs a lot, is open with each other, and cares about people and the Earth.
Emmaus is a ministry of ELCA Lutherans in partnership with the Episcopal Church USA, the United Church of Christ, and the Methodist Church, and is welcoming of all perspectives. We are a Reconciling in Christ ministry celebrating diversity in sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Learn more about RIC here.

Where we are
We are fortunate to have two properties on the edge of the University of Montana campus. Emmaus House (pictured below, left) is home to a student center with a lending library and free Wi-Fi that is always open to students. Our business offices are located in the Ark next door (pictured below, right). You may stop by anytime during business hours, but there isn’t always a staff member present. Contact us to ensure an in-person visit!

Liz Delaney (President), Valley of Christ
Annika Wagner (Treasurer), Our Savior's
Dean Fiedler (Secretary), Immanuel
Amy Glaspey, (UM Faculty Liason), St. Paul
Ben Johnson, Our Savior's
Susan Cuff, UCC
Kate Laney
Ian Johnson, Student Representative