We put faith into action through community education, advocacy, and organizing in partnership with churches, nonprofits, community members, and campus groups.
Faith and Climate Action Montana seeks to create community that engages faith voices and spiritual wisdom to raise awareness, advocate, and organize in the public sphere. This social justice community takes action in response to the intensification of the climate crisis that creation is facing. Emmaus co-hosts and promotes events, sponsors graduate-level interns to help as leaders, and helps with structure and leadership.
We work with Missoula Interfaith Collaborative and Common Good Missoula to dismantle structural inequalities such as the long-term effects of colonization and white supremacy. In 2022, 180 community members went through the process of Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization. Developed by a talented team of US Native Americans, Indigenous/First Nations Canadians, Aboriginal Australians and Maori New Zealanders, Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization takes people from faith, labor, healthcare and community organizations through a process that sets the stage for right relationships and meaningful action with Indigenous people in their own communities. Read about our personal experiences with it here.
We work on LGBTQ+ education and advocacy within congregations and within the greater community through a Christian lens. We also make room for people to bring their concerns and needs to the group and other issues are lifted up as such as reproductive rights, mental health, gun violence, and immigration.
Check our Facebook for more about student and community events!
Community Partners
Empower Montana

Partner Congregations
Atonement Lutheran, Missoula
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Faith Lutheran, Hamilton
First United Methodist, Missoula
Grace United Methodist Church, Missoula
Holy Spirit Episcopal, Missoula
Immanuel Lutheran, Missoula
LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministry Network)
Montana Synod of the ELCA
Our Savior's Lutheran, Bonner
Prince of Peace Lutheran, Missoula
Reconciling Works, ELCA
St. Paul Lutheran, Missoula
University Congregational Church (UCC), Missoula
Valley of Christ Lutheran, Frenchtown
Wesley Foundation, Missoula