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What Is It?

Emmaus Campus Ministry is launching a new program called, The Elizabeth Project! Named to highlight the relationship between the young Mary (mother of Jesus) and older Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist), this program seeks to connect UM students with older seniors in Missoula who have a strong interest and passion for young adults. Together, the student and senior will have a monthly lunch, do some volunteering and service, grow in friendship, as well as embark on some safe spiritual exploration.   


Who Is This For?

This opportunity is meant for any university student (you don’t have to have any connection to a faith at all, just be spiritually curious!) who is looking to have a friendship with a spiritually curious older person off-campus, wanting to make a difference in the world through some volunteering, and who is in need of some community.


What Is The Committment?

One lunch together per month (paid for by the program) plus a volunteer service project per semester (on average around 2 hours per month). Commitment to the program is for one academic year (2 semesters). Both the student and the senior will go through a short training in how to have safe conversations. There will also be opportunities for the student and senior (either in groups or in a pair) to take part in volunteering and meaningful service projects that have a serious impact on Missoula. 

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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